Advisory   FZ LLE


taking advantage.

Openness, understanding and honesty are crucial for any consultation. They are the basis for being able to connect the customer's ideas with the reality that is foreign to them.

This provides a representation of the situation that is as close to reality as possible. A truth, no matter how simple it may be, how overwhelmingly beautiful and understandable, never represents reality. 

Our job is to broaden our perspective and discover possibilities. The ideas may change, but the goal does not. We will pursue this with you if it can be realized in your interests.

We make it possible.

Your idea, our analysis, implementation and realization.

Your Idea

"A man is worth as much as the ideas he implements." What this means is that you should not let your ideas remain just dreams. Development does not involve losing. Development always means moving forward, even if one out of 10 ideas becomes reality.

Our analysis

We look at your ideas and ask questions to identify your goal. We compare theory with reality and, in a value-neutral way, show you different options, paths from which you can choose the one that suits you, your idea and your personality structure.

Joint planning

We compile the necessary analyses, reports or information for you from all the necessary specialist areas. This is not done as a list, but as an interdisciplinary form in order to develop an overall picture for you from countless individual parts.


There are many consultants. Most of them are limited in what they say. They do not provide an overall picture, and they see their job as a link to other providers or specialists. We stay by your side. You can count on us for a long time, even in less good times.

Feel free to write to us.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Write to us with your request. We will check whether we can help you. Please provide all the necessary information (name, address, email and website if applicable).

We will always get back to you as soon as possible.


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